Subject: imp
From: Keshav Mishra
Date: 28-Mar-15 8:45 PM

This is in return to questions that you asked internet users regarding net-neutrality.(a 1 year student)

First of all it’s not required in india as many or most people in country are void of internet, and some people who are using the internet currently are finding the present plans costlier. In a country where even 25% are not using internet net-neutrality might prove to be a great drawback to the country it will profoundly affect the current users. TRAI is requested to continue with the current momentum as internet in today’s genration is the most important thing to connect to people our to consume knowledge.Just to profit some organisation to make money u can’t make message sending through what’s app costly or watching a video on youtube,etc. I can give u a bunch of reasons to stop controlling people data. But seeing the time i speculate this much information is enough for not controlling net so aggressively.

Q1:Is it too early to establish a regulatory framework for OTT services, since internet penetration is still evolving, access speeds are generally low and there is limited coverage of high-speed broadband in the country? Or, should some beginning be made now with a regulatory framework that could be adapted to changes in the future? Please comment with justifications.
A1:yes it’s too early our country is still in developing stage, where internet is a very sound project to keep up the pace. India average speed over internet is too slow and then after this if you are thinking about regulation. the fact itself is mind wobling.