Subject: Opinion on net neutrality and licensing of internet services
From: Collin Dsilva
Date: 30-Mar-15 1:33 PM


I hope this finds you in good health. I am just another internet-savvy citizen of India. I do not understand net neutrality and OTT licencing to its depths but I have only an inkling of what might happen if there was licensing of internet services. 

I plead you to implement net neutrality and not heed to the telecom companies who would only damage the progressive economy of India. We are a nation where there is a great divide in the haves and the have-nots and the internet is a free space that shows a great amount of potential in bridging this gap. If this was given away to the telecom companies, they would stall this progress for their personal gains. 

There have been several protests around the world in favour of net neutrality. In fact, in cases such as the Netherlands and the recent FCC ruling, the agitation has even paid off with the government either passing net neutrality rules or passing rules in support of it. 

The telecom companies will always lobby in favour of the licensing of the internet because they believe it would be profitable in the end for them to do so. However, a number of studies have shown the growth and usage patterns of the internet and it indicates well in the favour of telecom companies profiting from the internet subscription rather than OTT services. While my business acumen is limited, I do believe that net neutrality is the right way to go in facilitating profitable business for the telecom companies while having an uncompromising stand on a free internet space that does not create faster and slower information highways for premium rates

It all comes down to what should be prioritised for the betterment of the nation. I would like to think that we are a nation that favours progress of the people over the progress of corporations. In this interest, I hope that TRAI will come out strongly in favour of net neutrality and enforce net neutrality rules which will create a space for faster progress of the nation and its people.

Thank you for considering my humble views. I hope you will decide to do the right thing in the interest of the people of this great nation.


Collin D'Silva