Subject: Please implement net neutrality
From: …°µ¿¨Í¤Í
Date: 30-Mar-15 8:31 PM

Dear Members of TRAI,

As a citizen of this growing India and an internet user in this connected world ,I feel  the need net neutrality in India and am responsible for sharing my views in support of net neutrality to TRAI and everyone. 

There are countries where broadband is a fundamental right (Finland ) and countries where net neutrality is implemented successfully( Netherlands). And these countries are certainly prospering democracies. India as well know is growing at a rapid pace and internet is one of fundamental catalysts of growth. In a democracy freedom should just not be in the constitution but should be followed and imbibed in spirit in every aspect of the lives of the people.
For India to get there having net neutrality is the basic step that needs to be achieved.
Corporations are key to the industrial revolution and growth but that does not mean that they control almost anything and everything. Given that internet and the dependency over it is increasing everyday giving corporates complete control of the internet means people losing their online freedom.
This will result in pure monetary benefits to the corporates by impossible pricing and schemes which are not conducive to the people and the ill effects of  it will surely bring doom. 
Already if you know, the telecom and DTH companies fleece the users in various forms or the other. 
The average cost of calls, sms, dth subscriptions are always on the rise. 
And if net neutrality is lost the whole internet will be unusable for the people and that directly hinders the prosperity and growth of the country. 
And the point of net neutrality will reduce the revenues of the telecom companies is totally biassed towards the corporations . Net neutrality will result in more people embracing the internet which means more business and revenue for the telcos. 

So please consider all these points and implement net neutrality at the earliest which will be good for the people and the corporates and the country overall.
