Subject: Request to not regulate OTTs or bring any services under a license framework
From: Abhijeet More
Date: 30-Mar-15 8:14 PM

Dear Sir,

I myself Abhijeet More request you to not regulate OTTs or bring any services under a license framework.

Make a humble request to support net neutrality. If we look at all the developed countries none of them are following such model. The ISPs just want to earn more money from the commoner and they see this as yet another opportunity to exploit the masses.

Internet is not only a medium for social networking, but it also serves as a medium to bring knowledge, news, entertainment, etc to everyone. If one has to pay additional for the same along with the regular charges then it's tyranny.

So its a humble request for you to support net neutrality and not fall prey to the large ISPs as airtel, reliance, etc. Coz they don't work for the betterment of society. Their only aim is to exploit the masses and reap as much money possible from the masses. Please don't sell our country to these people. Don't sell our freedom. Else there won't be any difference between the days before our independence and the days we will be seeing in future.


Abhijeet More
A common man.