Subject: I Support Net Neutrality
From: Shivi Mittal
Date: 31-Mar-15 11:11 AM

Dear Sir,

The internet as a medium enables a transparent, efficient and productive passage for conducting the businesses of our daily lives.
Differential pricing and different speeds for various services would be highly detrimental to the process of my personal as well as professional quest to become a better, more skilled worker for my country.
It would be against the principles of a digital India. Currently the internet is the only medium that bridges the vast income inequality in our country. It enables people like me who have a weak financial background to level the playing field by allowing me to access the same resources that are available to everyone else. I can grow, learn, build and compete with the others who use the internet knowing that the competition is fair and just. I am an entrepreneur, a salaried professional and have a lot of offer to my country during the course of my life. I would urge you to consider the internet as a domain free from the unnecessary charges that Telcos seem deem fit to levy on their users. This strategy is highly flawed in the longer run. It will completely wipe out the ability of small businesses to offer their services over the internet against established counterparts. Without an effective or disruptive competition, a lethargy in the existing setup will follow and would lead to a drop in the service quality. Money will be used to buy better bandwidth to offer low quality services. Where is the development or the innovation in that strategy? It is against the most basic economic principles where money would be paid for a less efficient business model. It would have an adverse effect in the potential of our economic future. There is a past precedent to this case. In the USA, the FCC along with President Barack Obama has supported need for a Net Neutrality.
I would urge you to support the net neutrality as a medium that enables a daily wage earner, a salaried employee, a student for a rural city or urban india or even you who is reading this email, access to the same resources as the person next to you.

Shivi Mittal