Subject: In support of Net Neutrality
From: Siddhant Narvekar
Date: 31-Mar-15 12:24 PM

Dear Sir(s),
It has come to my notice that there may be a very realistic possibility that net neutrality could be breached and Telecos could have a field day/year/decade as to how and what they'd like to price based on internet usage.
As a consumer I pay my share for the internet I use as I deem it to be used. I find it very unjust if my network provider were to decide for me how expensive a certain type of usage of my interest would be. Not to mention the immense misuse this could lead such as them prioritizing certain sites since they get paid by them while many others suffer. The internet is an essential means of communication too via whatsapp, viber, skype for several people like me and stamping a package on each of them seems extremely unjust. The benefits of breaching said neutrality (which would only be to the corporate houses) would faar outweigh the cons that millions of us consumers would suffer.
It is therefore my humble request that the TRAI not regulate the OTT's and kindly maintain Net Neutrality.

Siddhant Narvekar