Subject: Please protect the Internet in India
From: Akshay Roongta
Date: 31-Mar-15 9:59 AM


I am writing to express my concern, as a citizen of India, about the actions telecom carriers are taking to restrict fair access to the internet (i.e. Net Neutrality)​ for all Indian Citizens​. As a thriving and growing nation, the internet is a vital resource - it helps ​our citizens​ communicate, work, and thrive collectively. If telecom operators are ​​allowed to discriminate the flow of internet traffic solely on the basis of which services pay the most, a vital and necessary technological resource could become unnecessarily crippled, perhaps indefinitely.

​By​ allowing telecoms to define what information ​the citizens​ can view; what entertainment they​​ can access; and what companies can innovate, a once-universally accessible tool for empowerment could become no more than another corporate profit scheme. This is completely unfair for India's citizens and harms India's long-term role as major player in the global market. I understand the concern that regulation may deter telecoms from expanding access and speeds, but ​the internet is a tool for everyone, and must not be hi-jacked for one or another esoteric purposes. ​The growth of telecoms and the well-being of the internet can go hand-in-hand, without one jeopardising the other. ​You do not want​ regulation so strong as to stifle progress, but only a framework to ensure long term and fair access for all services regardless of size. Please understand that the internet is an important resource and vital to​ your citizens​.

I hope to see India follow the example set recently by the United States's, by protecting open access to the internet by supporting Net Neutrality and ensuring fair and equal access for​ ​all​ citizens​.

Regards from a concerned citizen,
Akshay Roongta