Subject: Answer to question 1 in support of net neutrality
From: Bhavesh Goel
Date: 01-Apr-15 3:50 PM

Question 1: Is it too early to establish a regulatory framework for
OTT services, since internet penetration is still evolving, access
speeds are generally low and there is limited coverage of high-speed
broadband in the country? Or, should some beginning be made now
with a regulatory framework that could be adapted to changes in the
future? Please comment with justifications.

Answer:- Yes it is very early for establishment of OTT services as many parts of India still does not have access to internet and if you establish OTT services than they would think internet as overpriced and would not try to connect to internet which could mean a loss to telecommunication companies and people will get back to sms and calls.
They should provide data with high speed first.Yes some beginning should be made now with regulatory framework that could be adapted to changes in the future.