Subject: In support of NET NEUTRALITY
From: Rajiv Naresh
Date: 02-Apr-15 12:14 PM

To whom it may concern,

As a consistent and passionate user of the internet as my go-to space for information, news, entertainment and keeping in touch with loved ones, I am shocked that we are in the process of considering differential pricing and the abolition of Net Neutrality.

As an entrepreneur in the digital space, we find policy-making of this nature highly stifling to the so-called Modernity that was promised by our Government. By selling access to the highest bidder, we are allowing the market to determine what the public can reasonably consume on the internet and this will both directly and indirectly vitiate the possibility for dissent, communication and knowledge-sharing.

As an Indian, I would be shocked if this law becomes a reality and I demand that you consider the implications of this.


Rajiv Naresh
the Scribbler