Subject: Question 10: What forms of discrimination or traffic management practices are reasonable and consistent with a pragmatic approach? What should or can be permitted?
From: Dipesh Bhoraniya
Date: 06-Apr-15 5:55 PM

I'll answer with an example

A high end sports car is sold for 2 to 3 crores naturally because it costs more to manufacture it. However, an economical car performs the same fuction as that of sportscar but is sold at a mere cost of 5 to 6 lacs. The difference being only that of the speed or confort.

But when it comes to bandwidth allocation imbalances with regards to traffic management, it is sheer exploitation of the consumer as the cost of providing the similar services is same.

There can be more charges for advanced connection i.e, 3g or 4g but discrimination among the same network is injustifiable.

Thank you.