Subject: Don't destroy Net neutrality
From: Aman Sohi
Date: 07-Apr-15 8:44 AM

Dear TRAI,

As an Indian citizen, I wanted to voice my opposition to the TRAI's crippling new regulations that would put telecom carriers in charge of internet freedom, and urge you to stop these regulations before they’re enacted. 

If the government goes through these plans to allow telecom carriers to  regulate the internet, I know that the internet will change -- and not for the better. If telecom operators can discriminate internet traffic on the basis of which services pay the most, we are allowing them control over a vital and necessary technological resource. They will be able to set up a business model where those with money are able to prioritize their web sites and web services over those without. Customer will have to pay more for using 1 MB of Skype, WhatsApp as compared to 1 MB of Airtel services. No form of discrimination is permissible and all internet traffic should be treated equally.

Netherlands have passed Net Neutrality law in its country and India can do the same.(Netherlands passes net neutrality legislation)

Please understand that the internet is an important resource and vital to me and to every other Indian citizen. I would like to see it kept free and protected under Net Neutrality to ensure fair and equal access for all and forever. 

Aman Sohi