Subject: Net Neutrality
From: Vikas Bannoth
Date: 07-Apr-15 3:20 PM
To: "" <>

Dear Madam/Sir,

Though the new plan by Telecom companies to generate revenues through Internet Companies is a good idea for them as a company to improve their top line. But I think there should be some other way of improving their revenues for now at least. As it India is still developing nation and rising start ups, it would be true discrimination to such budding Entrepreneurs. 

Hence, I would like to condemn this action against net neutrality and if at all there is a complete emergency for such kind of action to be taken, there should be provisions to protect the Entrepreneur ambience of India. Moreover It should be in larger interest of consumers, who would have to shell out heavily from their savings to afford such an plan.

I am not in favour of this action against Net neutrality.

​Thanks & regards,

Vikas Bannoth