Subject: Comment in Support of Net Neutrality Law in India
From: Abhinav Dhoke
Date: 08-Apr-15 2:03 AM

Dear TRAI,

I am writing to convey my interest against the actions that telecom carriers are taking to restrict fair access to the internet (Net Neutrality).

I believe the internet is an indispensable  resource -- it helps us communicate, work, and thrive as a citizen in a country.  If telecom operators can discriminate internet traffic on the basis of which services pay the most, we are granting telcos control over a vital and necessary technological resource.  This sort of practice  is not fitting for a system to work unprejudiced, like it should.

There are several organisations that have stood up in support of the Net Neutrality Law, and most importantly the open source ones such as The Mozilla Foundation, The Wikimedia Foundation and The Kickstarter. These orgs willingly support the newer talents and support the growth of the internet in manners favorable for the humanity as a whole.

The Net Neutrality Law has already been accepted in the countries of Chile, The Netherlands and Brazil. The European Union and USA too are following similar suit.

I strongly believe the growth of telecoms and the well-being of the internet can go hand-in-hand. I'm asking for a framework to ensure long term and fair access for all services regardless of size. I want everyone to  have unfettered access to the Internet, with no telcos or ISPs to charge for specific services I use on top of it.

Please understand that the internet is an important resource and vital to me and to every other Indian citizen. I would like to see it kept free and protected under Net Neutrality to ensure fair and equal access for all and forever.


Abhinav Dhoke