Subject: Net Neutrality
From: anuj garg
Date: 08-Apr-15 11:08 AM

 TRAI paper on page 34, point number 2.54 it says that global losses to telecoms due to 'lost' reveune of voice call etc will be $479 billion but that the profit to them from data will be 2.4 trillion, that's $2 trillion dollars of proflt, after adjusting for thier paltry losses.

they even call them OTT or Over The Top services. They say it's because those services run on top of infrastructure of the telcos but it kinda gives the impression like they're something extra. The name should also reflect that those services are the entire reason why anybody bothers to pay for internet at all nobody gets a 3G pack to just stare at 3 on their handset. They get it to use the over the top services.

The OTT's drive adoption of internet packs and useage of those packs.

In 2.60 they propose deep packet inspection, an invaisive technique that will necessarily have them monitor everything to check which sites you're going to. So say goodbye to privacy.

2.50 clains growth in 4G will result in ten times more subscribers to Indian telcos in 5 yeras.

....ugh just tired. I have a lot of notes on this, the best material is on

2.12. Where they claim skype calls are loss of revenue but at 10paise/10 kb and the skype min data for a voice call at 30kbps, that's 60kbps to upload your voice and download the other's.

That's 450Kb per minute which means 4.5 rs/minute in data charges. This is the skype lost revenue they're whining about the greedy bastards.

 It will not earn telcos any extra money, it wil just reduce the 83% percent of Indian users whose only access to the internet is through mobile. Since rural areas are soon to be connected, this will disproportionately affect the common man net user, who uses the internet only through his phone....

Please don't allow data provider to play with customer for their profit.

Please consider our request for net neutrality.

Regards and Thanks,

Anuj Garg