Subject: Support net neutrality
From: Vivek Ranjan
Date: 08-Apr-15 8:10 AM


Being an Indian, a software engineer and a great fan of Internet and its possibility, I will always support net neutrality.

A country known for its great culture and diversity, I think abolishing net neutrality is directly removing freedom of speech and information. A big follower of the ideas and insights of Narendra Modi, I see imposing new rules by TRAI, contradicts Modi's statement that he wants to slowly remove rules and laws for a better democratic progress. Let the democracy be in the hands of people and don't impose rules/laws which is only meant to have short term fiscal benefit to govt. or society.

Being a software engineer in India and not having a dream to go onsite to other country unlike others, with a dream to make and work for country, I think abolishing net neutrality will not only impact existing software companies but will also become a big hindrances for new startup to compete with big players. This will demotivate startups to start in India. I personally feel, abolishing net neutrality in India will encourage small companies and startups to move out of India and will also impact a dream of digital India as only govt. can't bring that dream true but people's participation is equally required.

I understand the grievances of Telecom operators. But in a process to solve grievances of few operators, the authority should not create a grievances to billions of Indian.

There are many other ways available to operators to earn and if TRAI wants to solve there problem, even the spectrum can be extended to one more year with very nominal renewal charge next year without auction.

Removing net neutrality is depriving Indians from future of technology.

My sincere request to the authorities is to stop thinking about abolishing net neutrality but to start thinking on how in other ways telecom operators can earn. Because net neutrality is a need for everyone to prosper, being it schools, colleges, research, companies, govt., or name any institution.

Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Ranjan
Concerned INDIAN