Subject: FOR Net Neutrality. AGAINST Differential Pricing of Internet Based Services.
From: Raghu Pandey
Date: 09-Apr-15 1:58 PM

Dear TRAI,

It is surprising to read in your "Consultation Paper On Regulatory Framework for Over-the-top (OTT) services" dated 27-03-2015, that differential pricing is being considered as a solution to keep the profits of the telecom companies healthy!

Internet should remain a neutral resource for us Indians. NO TELECOM COMPANY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DISCRIMINATE against any web application unless it serves anything illegal. I run my own web service, and I strongly protest the idea of different pricing for different applications.

- It seriously hampers the freedom of choice of Indian citizens
- It seriously hampers the entrepreneurial growth in India

The telecom company which cannot innovate to adapt to changing business scenario MUST PERISH by the rules of market. LET THE FITTEST SURVIVE! Don't extend such life support systems to telecoms if that is the only thing they have as plan B.

Raghu Pandey
+91 98933 06861