Subject: Let's keep Internet Neutral
From: Gopi Krishna
Date: 09-Apr-15 11:10 AM


After seeing the recent agitation about net neutrality in the US, I had never thought a day would come, that too so soon, that we have to worry about net neutrality in this country as well. I guess corporate greed knows no boundaries.

But since you have taken a commendable step of asking the people's opinion on this I felt I should as a concerned citizen address my concern.

The losses for telecom companies should never be a reason to stop progress. And regulating the access of internet is:
a) against the basic principle of the internet (encouraging unhindered flow of data regardless of your geography)

b) a backward step by the government that will seem to everyone as having sided with the big players and not the average citizen

c) unethical and greedy

So here's my plea to keep the internet neutral. Hope you will listen to the few of us who are deeply concerned by this happening in our country.

Thank you,
Gopi Krishnan M