Subject: Net Neutrality is freedom
From: Mitsun Soni
Date: 10-Apr-15 5:40 PM
To: "" <>

Hello Sir, 

I hope you are having a great day. I like many other young Indians have been reading about the TRAI's plan to give the power to telecom companies to charge a premium for over the top services like using a particular app or access a particular website. 
I'm writing this email to you to say that I strongly oppose and against this plan. When I'm paying for the internet services, I should be allowed to lawfully use it the way I want. I don't want a company to decide what I can do and what I can't. This is purely in favour of the telecom companies as they would make more money out of it. Where is the benefit of the users here? I believe TRAI is a regulative authority which makes sure the users are not taken advantage of by the private telecom providers. This plan truly opposes that. When the services I'm using are free by the service provider, how is it ethical for the telecom company to charge a premium for me to use it when I'm already paying them for the internet usage. Net neutrality will only bring equality and justice. 
I and numerous other Indians would truly appreciate if you stand with us and not implement this plan. Net neutrality is very important for a developing nation like us. Give us the freedom. Give us the power. 

Mitsun Soni