Subject: Net Neutrality
From: Tarun M
Date: 10-Apr-15 3:58 PM

Dear TRAI,

I am writing to express my concern against the actions that telecom carriers are taking to restrict fair access to the internet (net neutrality). I believe the internet is a vital resource — it helps me communicate, work, and thrive as a citizen. If telecom operators can discriminate internet traffic on the basis of which services pay the most, we are allowing telcos control over a vital and necessary technological resource. By doing so we allow them to define what information we can view; what entertainment we can access; and how companies can innovate.
This is completely unfair and harms India’s long term role in the global market. I strongly believe the growth of telecoms and the well-being of the internet can go hand-in-hand. I’m asking for a framework to ensure long term and fair access for all services regardless of size. I want my generation and those that come after me to have unfettered access to the Internet, with no telcos or ISPs having the ability to charge for specific services I use on top of it. Please understand that the internet is an important resource and vital to me and to every other Indian citizen. I would like to see it kept free and protected under Net Neutrality to ensure fair and equal access for all and forever.

You can see this is a typical letter most people use to send coz most people don't have the time nor the understanding given very less time to decide & submit views.This topic is not much discussed anywhere in media

I am following this topic since it started in U.S
I never thought we have to vote on ...whether or not to have net neutrality

As you have mentioned in the summary, Internet is a basic right and it violates 'Freedom of Speech' if Net Neutrality is not in place

Internet has become synonymous with  freedom,education

Let us not break & kill the internet

It should be made free,accessible to everyone

"If you build roads, people have to go somewhere
But if you give 'em internet, they will learn,grow & innovate.. "
Give people the oppurtunity

Use Digital India..Spread it to nook & corner
n u ll see India develop in no time

You can see Many Unused Computers in School Labs
coz they donno how to use..

But children are fast learners

If there is no net neutrality , then I believe India is no more democratic

Internet is the future..Don't stop India from developing...A lot of ordinary people have high hopes

Don't put our country in the hands of a few greedy capitalists
If they can't , someone better will take the place

Don't back 'em..
Companies want money..we are talking 2$ Trillion profit here to the companies
Common man is already starved..

Be Ethical & keep people aspirations in mind

"With Great Power, comes great responsiblity"

Give the choice to people
don't restrict it to them

Internet in India is just starting to spread, still slow

Keep the Net Neutral.. Our Future Generations will thank us

I hope my view weighs in to some extent
Sharing my thoughts.,..

Hope to see a better future
Citizen of India