S. No. Subject Release Date
871 TRAI conducts Consumer Outreach Programme (COP) on 03.08.2018 at Noida (UP) 07/08/2018
872 TRAI releases Recommendations on Promoting Local Telecom Equipment Manufacturing 03/08/2018
873 TRAI releases recommendations on Auction of Spectrum in 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2300 MHz, 2500 MHz, 3300-3400 MHz and 3400-3600 MHz Bands 01/08/2018
874 TRAI releases Direction regarding maintenance of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Call Setup Delay to monitor Quality of Service in case of Circuit Switched Fall Back (CSFB) for voice calls. 31/07/2018
875 TRAI releases Standards of Quality of Service of Basic Telephone Service (Wireline) and Cellular Mobile Telephone Service (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 31/07/2018
876 Corrigendum - Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Desktops, Printers, laptops, Scanners etc. and Facility Management Services for IT Infrastructure Including Hardware, Network, Cloud 30/07/2018
877 TRAI releases Recommendations on Method of allocation of spectrum for Public Mobile Radio Trunking Service (PMRTS) including auction, as a transparent mechanism 20/07/2018
878 TRAI's Response to DoT reference back on Recommendations on Ease of Doing Telecom Business dated 30th November 2017 20/07/2018
879 TRAI releases on Telecom Commercial Communication Customer Preference Regulation, 2018 19/07/2018
880 TRAI releases Telecommunication Consumers Education and Protection Fund (4th Amendment) Regulation, 2018 18/07/2018
881 TRAI Releases Report on Independent Drive Tests conducted in Five cities viz. Chandigrh, Gangtok, Hyderabad, Shimla & Srinagar 18/07/2018
882 Press release on Telecom Subscription Data as on 31st May, 2018 18/07/2018
883 TRAI releases Recommendations on Privacy, Security and Ownership of the Data in the Telecom Sector 16/07/2018
884 TRAI Releases Report on Independent Drive Tests conducted in Six cities viz. Gwalior, Hisar, Kohima, Ludhiana, Meerut & Shillong 12/07/2018
885 Corrigendum - Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment of Auditors to certify the Metering and Billing System of Telecom Service Providers 10/07/2018
886 Corrigendum - Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Desktops, Printers, laptops, Scanners etc. and Facility Management Services for IT Infrastructure Including Hardware, Network, Cloud 09/07/2018
887 TRAI issues draft Telecommunication Tariff (64th Amendment) Order, 2018 09/07/2018
888 TRAI releases Recommendations on Making ICT accessible for Persons with Disabilities 09/07/2018
889 TRAI releases Recommendations on Making ICT accessible for Persons with Disabilities 09/07/2018
890 TRAI conducted Consumer Outreach Programme (COP) on 05.07.2018 at Ranchi (Jharkhand) 06/07/2018
891 TRAI issues The Telecommunication Interconnection (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 05/07/2018
892 TRAI conducts COP on 29.06.2018 at Dalhousie (HP) 04/07/2018
893 Press Note on TRAI's Regulatory framework for Broadcasting and Cable TV sector. 03/07/2018
894 Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment of Auditors to certify the Metering and Billing System of Telecom Service Providers 28/06/2018
895 Press Release on Draft Telecommunication Consumers Education And Protection Fund (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 27/06/2018
896 Press Release on Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicator Report for the Quarter ending March, 2018 27/06/2018
897 TRAI Releases Independent Drive Test Report of Delhi service area including Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurugram and Faridabad. 26/06/2018
898 Press release on Telecom Subscription Data as on 30th April, 2018 26/06/2018
899 Authority's response to DoT's Back Reference dated 19th April, 2018 on Sale-rent of International Roaming SIM cards-Global Calling Cards in India 25/06/2018
900 TRAI issues recommendations on Issues relating to Uplinking and Downlinking of Television Channels in India 25/06/2018