Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending March, 2010
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending December, 2009
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending September, 2009
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending March, 2009
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending December, 2008
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending June, 2009
"Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicator Report" for the Quater June-2008
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending March, 2008
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of all the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending December, 2007
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending September, 2008
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of all the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending September, 2007
Release of Financial Data pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR), Licence Fees and Spectrum Charges in respect of Telecom Service Providers for the Quarter ending June, 2007.
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges in respect of all the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending March, 2007
Financial Data Pertaining to Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue, License Fee and Spectrum Charges (as per figures provided by Service Provider) in respect of all the Telecom Service Providers for the quarter ending December, 2006